The End of Outside
~By Andrea Howie~

In 2369 Earth was in it's final stage of dying and the human colonies inhabiting Earth's solar system and the systems around it were being wiped out one by one by the Hecetar. The Hecetar are an alien race living nearby Earth who destroys anything they find inferior to themselves, which includes humans. So, in a last ditch effort to save the human race Earth completes a project, Genesis, the first space ship with space jumping ability. The destination is an Earth-like planet on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy. The ship, which can only hold about one hundred people, makes it to their destination undetected by the Hecetar, and name the planet Genesis. At first it's about survival on Genesis, there are tiger-like animals the size elephants and other natural threats, then it was about advancement in culture, but there was never time or population for war. The minerals in the planet were mined but when humans ate them there were side-affects for some. Side affects such as peace, they left a peaceful state-of-mind, but they also left powers…and as the generations grew so did the powers. A simple thing, such as the ability to change the color of an object or a complicate one, such as the ability to manipulate dreams. Two thousand years have passed on Genesis and humans, while still humans, have evolved- almost everyone has a power. And the powers are their greatest weapons, weapons they will soon need.

"My name is Ambrosia. God, that's original. God, now that's an interesting term. That was a cultural value that didn't last very long on Genesis but it was so important on Earth. I never understood that. Really I didn't understand much of anything about Earth. It's not where I grew up. I spent some time there. Accidentally but with a purpose, you know. But anyway I'm Ambrosia, like I said. I'm recording this; it's going to be important in history one day. I have the only first hand account; maybe I'll get famous. Maybe I already am. I didn't want to write this down. So I'll make copies of this tape. Then everything will be known. And maybe for once humans will actually learn from their mistakes."

The Chapters

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

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