

The Back Roads of Paradise

Moonlight Kisses
In Progress

Never To Be A Swordsman
In Progress


Die So Young

A Moonlight Kiss

The Last Rider

Drab Gray Society

Sweet Remembrance

Short Stories

Observations-The Fair

Observations-The Hunt

Observations-The Sacrifice

Exile From Elanthia

Sixteen years

Deep in the Northwest


Favorite Movies
Shakespeare in Love, Dr. Strangelove, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, The Matrix, Legend, The Blair Witch Project, South Park, As Good as it Gets, There's Something About Mary, The Big Lebowski, The Last Unicorn, The Bircage, Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Mulan, Antz, 2001, Everything Monty Python, Clerks, Citizen Kane, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Duel to the Death, Pulp Fiction, Resivoir Dogs, La Femme Nikita, 12 Monkies, Chinese Connection, Enter the Dragon, Shawshank Redemption, Excalibur

Favorite Directors
Kevin Smith, Stanley Kubrick, and Quentin Tarantino

Favorite TV Show
The Simpsons

Favorite Pokemon
Okay, I'm not a fanatic, I swear! I've never played any of the games and I've only seen the show twice with my little sister ;) I still have a favorite though, he's the only reason I have watched it as little as I have. My favorite is the fat, sleeping Pokemon Snorlax.

Favorite Authors
William Shakespeare, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Douglas Adams, Patricia C. Wrede, Hermann Hesse

Favorite Bands
Sublime, Blink182

Plays I've Performed
1. The Night Before Christmas, Sugarplum Child
2. Christmas Carol, The Ghost of Christmas Present
3. Brigadoon(Musical), Townsperson
4. Trifles, Mrs. Hale
5. The Man Who Came to Dinner, Mrs. Dexter
6. Li'l Abner(Musical), Townsperson/Soldier
7. Into the Woods(Musical), Jack's Mother
8. The Music Man(Musical), Eulaile Shinn

Favorite Shakespeare Plays on Screen
1. 1996 Hamlet
2. 1993 Much Ado About Nothing
3. 1995 Othello
4. 1999 A Midsummer Night's Dream
5. 1968 Romeo and Juliet
6. 1971 Macbeth

Favorite Read Shakespeare
(In No Specific Order)
The Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet.

Mother's House: JR(dog), Beau(dog), Chewey(dog), Scooter(cat), Barney(cat), Tiko(horse), Toast(horse), Ranger(horse)
Father's House: Max(dog), Custard(dog), Pasha(cat)